​​Northeast Beagle Gundog Federation

​​Northeast Beagle Gundog Federation


350 Frear Hill Road, Tunkhannock, PA

Clubhouse Phone (570) 836-9616


From Rt 6 into Tunkhannock take Rt 29 South. Turn right onto Frear Hill Road. (Between Carwash and Burger King).

From Wilkes-Barre, take 309 North. Stay on 309 North until it intersects with Rt 29 North. Follow into Tunkhannock. Turn left onto Frear Hill Road (Past Wal-Mart and Burger King). Then, go to top of hill past pond on right, bear right at fork in the road. Clubhouse on right 1/2 mile. Address is 350 Frear Hill Road.

President: Mike Gaus 570-406-4646 

NEBGF delegate: Evan Gretz 570-878-8041 

Treasurer: Dave Fife 570-947-7207 

Vice President: Evan Gretz 570-878-8041 

FTS: Gary Slick 570-954-3499 

Field Trial Chairman: Evan Gretz 570-878-8041

Club Judges: Justin Steinberger,  Bob Steinberg, and Joe Kaschak

About the Club:

Note that we now have a well and running water!