​​Northeast Beagle Gundog Federation

​​Northeast Beagle Gundog Federation

Glendale Beagle Club
180 Hill Rd.

Castle Creek, NY  13862

Exit 7 off Interstate 81 at Castle Creek, NY. Turn South at the end of the ramp, 3/10ths of a mile to Hyde St. Right on Hyde St. 3 miles to Hill Rd. 1 mile to the club which is at then end of Hill Rd. (Dead End)

President - Matt Carpenter
Vice President - Matthew Slocum
Secretary - Wendell (Buzz) Sage
Treasurer - Tony Papaleo
Field Trial Secretary - Matthew Slocum
Glendale's 2023 trial dates are as follows: 
AKC Licensed Trial March 25-26, 2023
Sanctioned Derby Trial April 29, 2023 

Junior Beagler Kids Trial June 24, 2023

About the Club:
Two separate running pens and a total of 120 acres enclosed.  All new feed strips have been planted and lots of work is being done to the grounds.  Camper hookups available, kennels, and a clubhouse with all essential facilities, plus a good kitchen.  

Club Judges:
1. Matt Slocum (Swatara Only)
2. Mike Johnson
3. Max Lang
4. Ralph Harrington
5. Justin Dean